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Topics - Buffence

Good day commrades! My name's Buff and I've recently acquired a beautiful big blue ford transit together with my husband, Rasmus. She's already converted as we have a time constraint but we will be doing some small jobs to get her just how we want her during the next 2 months.

Then on July 10th we're hopping on the ferry at Portsmouth, bound for Bilbao. This brings about a question: any tips for a good overnight spot close by the ferry terminal? I'm dubious, being on the coast of such an overcrowded island, but would be interested to know what fellow travellers making this passage do.

First stop will be the Boom festival in Portugal (anybody else going?) after which we will commence our litter picking mission! We've always tried to clean up after others wherever we go but often we don't have enough bags or we have to rush off... Vanlife means less barriers so we plan to dedicate a lot of our time to litter-picking hikes!
Perhaps we'll create a website ranking of the European countries and their regions? What do people think of this idea? Do you think it could motivate local governments and residents to clean up their acts?

Well, it's good to be here - I look forward to having a read through some threads now!  :)
Common Room / Buying first van this week! HELP!
April 24, 2018, 08:55:20 AM
Hi everyone, I'm so excited to be writing this... My husband and I are going to take up vanlife in a few short months! YAY  ;D We wanted to convert ouselves but we have a bit of a time crunch this year, due to Boom festival tickets. So a full conversion will have to wait and we are looking at ready converted vans. We're down to a top 2 and I want to know your opinions here, as we've arrived at a bit of a head/heart stalemate.

Important factors

  • Time & money: as always, we need as much ready to go as possibe.
    Space: My husband is 2 meters or 6ft8 tall!

The vans -

A 2012 transit xlwb conversion for about £13,500- Positives: much newer, better MPG, emissions etc. 500w solar system already installed + 4 batteries. Comes with many extras (awning, toilet, cooker), is more stealth
Negatives: Couldnt test drive, Higher mileage, rust in doorways, ex delivery van (not treated so well poss) Shoddy conversion, no passenger seats in the back, very dark and cramped inside, benches very low to floor, less rapport or trust with seller,

A 2003 transit minibus conversion for about £8,500 - Positives: feels much larger inside, lighter, better dimensions for a big guy, converted using marine industry products and tricks, top spec rust treatments etc, marine issue large 12v fridgefreezer, engine mint, drives beautifully, ex-hospital transport so low mileage (55k) and well cared for, 2 passenger seats in back, new diesel heater unit/system, intelligent mastervolt charging systems + 4 batteries
Negatives: Older vehicle, way worse on MPG and emissions, Way less extras (more to buy), No solar, awning, toilet or cooker, much less stealth would need tint windows.


So I want to know other expert opinions! We have talked ourselves into the 2003 older transit, currently. I think weighing it up we're inclined to think that living space trumps fuel efficiency in the long run (they are BOTH so important in the long run!) and the 2003 is not exactly a heap of shit either... Are we letting sentimentality get in the way of logic? Will we kick ourselves down the line? Or does it sound like a good/fair decision?

Thanks in advance to any 10cents you have to offer!!!  :)