Here it is. This is what I’ve been working on for the past several months (that’s an understatement).
Introducing my 2nd book: How to Live in a Van and Travel
If you want to do something similar to what I’ve done – live a mobile life full of adventure and freedom – or just escape in a campervan for a few weeks – this book shows you how.
Get it now
The ebook is now available through the Amazon bookstore or also as as a PDF download using PayPal (just like my first ebook)
For more details on the book, and how to buy it, go here: How to Live in a Van and Travel – Book
Thank you!
My first ebook did better than I ever thought. Thank you, everyone, for supporting me. If it wasn’t for this blog, and for you reading it, neither of these books would exist.
This book took way longer than I thought it would. I put a lot of stuff on hold to get it finished and I left many messages unreplied – I’m sorry. But I hope, from the value that this book gives people, that it’s worth it.
But what about the print version?
There will be an actual paperback print copy at some point. Right now I’m going through the proofing process with the printing company – Ingram. I’ll keep you posted.
Can I ask for your help?
I hate trying to sell stuff. I don’t like to annoy you, constantly telling you about my new (bloody) book. If you know people who you think might like this book please show them this page. It would help a lot if you could share on social media, interest groups and things like that. I think this book will help out a lot of people.
As usual, any questions, comments or suggestions in the comments below 🙂 Now I need to sleep.
Edit: P.S. if you have an audience (through a blog, Youtube, social media, podcast etc) get in touch if you’d like a review copy of the book.