Carpark cooking: Rocky road by the lake

We’re by a lake in Spain (Here – spot of the month for April).

This rocky road is so good! I took the recipe from The Camper Van Cookbook by Martin Dorey

We managed to obtain 3 different types of chocolate
Melt really slowly with a load of butter. You can just leave in the sun.
Melt really slowly with a load of butter. Or leave out in the sun
Mix in honey, whatever berries, marshmallows and digestive biscuits. Forget about exact amounts.
Mix in honey, whatever berries, marshmallows and digestive biscuits. Forget about exact amounts
Put in container then let set for a few hours
Put in container then let set for a few hours
Hold it up to the sky for inspection. We ate it all in a day. I’ll miss you
Hold it up to the sky for inspection. We ate it all in a day.
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