When I was in Tarifa, Spain (see Tarifa the place for van life) my neighbours were a family of 3 living in a big blue bus.
Meet Danny and Cristyn and their kid Felix. They spent 5 months last summer in the UK converting this old bus into their travelling home and now they live here.
It used to be a party bus but now it’s a family home. It smells of different kinds of tea, sunday dinner and Nag Champa.
This is the best bus home I’ve ever seen. I need to show you this. Let me take you on a tour of the Blue Bus…
It’s an EX-USAF Dodge Commando G13 made in 1990

It’s double the size of my van
They put an actual house door on it
Let’s have a tea
This is inside the bus
Everything is made from solid wood
It has a full kitchen
A fridge and freezer
The biggest spice rack I’ve ever seen
They’re always cooking nice food
Here’s the wardrobe
The bedroom
There’s loads of storage underneath
Solar power
There are 4x120W panels (wired for 24V because of the long wire to the back and voltage drop) to charge the living area batteries. The small panel (to the right) keeps the engine starter battery topped up – useful if you’re staying in the same place for a while.
440Ah of batteries
Refillable gas tank
This is a permanently installed refillable tank (filled at fuel stations with car LPG) made by Gas-it. This powers the water boiler, oven and hob.
70L water tank
It doesn’t last so long but they are about to get a much bigger tank – there’s enough room.
Truma ultra store boiler
For all water heating. It runs off gas
It’s a proper home. What more do you need?
I don’t know if I could drive it though. They were saying if you go the wrong way on a narrow road it can be miles before you can turn round – no 3 point turns on little mountain roads. What do you reckon?
Oh and please share this post so other people get to see this amazing home on wheels
This family are an inspiration. Danny puts on parties in big inflatable igloos (IglooDisco.co.uk) – amongst many other interesting things. Their Instagram: @vagabusadventures
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