I left the van and flew to Nepal. Here’s what I did

I often let myself get diverted. I follow interesting things that come up. For me it’s what travelling is about. And this was probably one of the best diversions I’ve taken.

So I left the van in Rome and took a last minute trip to Nepal

This post doesn’t have much to do with van-travel. But I still want to share my time in Nepal with you – in 33 photos… It’s a long one

I said bye to the van and got on a plane

To Kathmandu

I met up with Finn

It’s pretty hectic here

This is what the people look like

We ate food we’d never heard of before

And tried out some new clothes

Then we went to the mountains (Nagarkot)

And met some cool people… and animals

I took part in a vision quest

Sleeping under the stars. No food or entertainment for 4 days. Huge view of the Himalayas. Amazing experience

And then we got a bus to Chitwan

The roads are like this

Extra strong, double framed bicycles are needed

Elephants walk the streets

We came here to go to the jungle

So we took a boat – a hollowed out tree – down the river

They’ve got crocs!

It was hot. We swam.

The water is where the Rhinos spend most of their time

Tigers roam these marshlands

Ahhh. The jungle life

Sunset. Home time. We’d spent 2 days in the jungle

Then another bus to Pokhara

It’s a smallish town by a lake

Way more chilled than Kathmandu

We shared this room. It cost just $5 between us per night

We ate a LOT of food




I hope they never get a Tescos

4AM: we biked up a mountain. Misty sunrise mission

Back to this…

Oh yeah and the dentists here are genuinely excellent

It’s nice to know how easy and possible this is. I can just leave the van somewhere and get on a plane. I’m not tied down to rent or bills of a house.

The van can either be left in a campsite or in a safe ‘lock-up’ area or even just a safe street. But I payed 70 Euros for one month with 24hr security – my whole life is in there so the security is worth it.

But yeah, Nepal is amazing. The people and the land and the food and… I’d hugely recommend it to anyone.

Anyway, back to the van ?

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