Today I installed my Shurflo water pump straight onto the wall of the van but when I switched it on, I couldn’t believe the noise coming from this thing! it transmitted around the full van. I realised that, ideally, these pumps should be mounted on solid floor or on any solid structural members to prevent vibrations being amplified through the rest of the structure. Pump noise was something I didn’t think about but after a while of experimenting I came up with a simple and really effective solution:
hang the pump rather than fix down with screws in order to isolate vibrations

See the rest of the water system installation here
Here’s how I made my water pump run super quiet
I found a nice trick for mounting the Shurflo diaphragm pump onto any noisy surfaces or any surface that may transmit vibrations round the van. I couldn’t find much on the net about pump mounting techniques with the aim of reducing operation noise and I certainly haven’t seen anyone use this method of mounting. If you have the same problem as i did then maybe you should give this a go…

Hopefully this helps anyone who has a similar problem with pump vibrations and noise