Living in a van – Where to go for winter?

I didn’t really plan this. I didn’t know I’d be in Eastern Europe at this time of the year. I didn’t even know if I’d still be in the van. It’s definitely too cold now here in Bulgaria to sleep well. It’s time to drive somewhere warmer. I guess Greece it is?

It’d be good to go via Istanbul on the way down but my insurance doesn’t cover me. Same with India.


Where is the warmest place in Europe during winter?

Western Europe is a few degrees warmer during the winter due to the Gulf Stream (nicknamed ‘Europe’s central heating’). Even though two places are on the same latitude, the difference in temperature can be quite a lot. Just look at the scientific data:

Temperature in Europe 30th October 2014

My original plan, when I quit my job, was to convert the van in one month and set off straight to Morocco (that was in October 2013). I’ll have to save this for next winter (again).

Has anyone stayed in Greece over winter in a van (or not a van)? Let me know how you got on in the comments…


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