After nearly a year of living in my van, I spent 10 days in a top floor apartment in the middle of Athens (Marti’s place – meet her here)
My thoughts:
- It’s quiet. Like really still. No wind. No rain. No animals. No sounds. It’s strange
- waking up in a solid high ceiling room with sunlight bursting through the window feels quite nice
- Where is everyone? There must be over 100 people living in this building
- Toilet and shower is pretty cool
- Carrying bike up 6 floors is annoying
- After 5 days: was the van thing all one big strange dream?
- After 7 days: maybe becoming a bit lazy. Lacking motivation. I started to laze about and wasted hours watching prank videos on YouTube when it was sunny outside. What the hell.
It’s interesting how quickly you get used to a way of living and how quickly you can go back. It’s been really nice here but for now, I like washing my clothes in a bucket. Back to the van…
Now it’s Marti’s turn to come and live in the van…