Writing, recording and releasing music from a van… in the woods

There has never been a time like this: You can write, record, mix and master a whole album, in a van, powered by the sun, whilst parked in nature, amongst the trees, or wherever.

And then you can share your work with the whole world in an instant.

Meet Tommy and Finn, that’s exactly what they did…

Welcome to the studio – a van in the woods

It’s Finn’s full-time home

See this post for a tour of his van: Van tour: He lives by the woods in his £1500 van – in England – in winter 

And sometimes, a recording studio

Which involves sharing a bed with instruments

Everything is powered by the solar panels on the van’s roof

And this is Tommy. He lives in the van next door

They make really nice music together

Their band is called Namakai and today they finished recording their new EP!

See their video

These are two friends of mine. Two amazing humans, and hugely talented. Go and listen to their music: https://namakai.bandcamp.com/album/namakai 

And if you want to support them, you can buy their new EP for just £5. Or just share their Bandcamp page. They’d greatly appreciate either.

And if you see them around Norwich, tell them hello

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