I’m at this place where amazing things just happen naturally – like all of the time. It’s on top of a big hill in an old cafeteria, just outside of Athens…
We’re all outside on the terrace of the Jedi Academy at 8am in December, with a full view of the glaring sunrise over the Mediterranean Sea. Someone starts tapping a djembe, a guitar comes out, a violin, another guitar, some kind of bagpipe (which looks like it could have once been a sheep), the accordion, more djembes, a flute, violin, bells, a trumpet, anything. The atmosphere erupts. It’s a morning I’ll never forget!
Artists, engineers, long-term travellers, circus performers, musicians… and a psychiatrist – this place is an intersection of some really interesting and inspiring life paths.
The Jedi Academy: An environment for free education and communal living
Here are 13 pictures from the last 2 weeks at the Jedi Academy:

The huge range of interesting and talented people from all over the world that the Jedi Academy attracts is something pretty special. I’m really looking forward to the future of the academy – there’s already talks of expanding.
It’s when I come to a place like this and meet people like this I see what is possible with life. Being miserable in a job and collecting loads of money for a lifetime just seems so… alright I’ll stop here.